Sunday, May 22, 2011

A special lunch

Have you cooked for 35 people recently? Students from the College’s church group did today, under the tutelage of our own Sister Jean Morrissey. The students invited all of the elderly from the community of Carmen Pampa to a big lunch and BBQ chicken, potatoes and cheesy rice, plus cake made by the Poor Claires in Coroico.

This is the second year that students have done this kind of outreach. “Our mission emphasizes serving the poor, and the elderly in our community deserve our attention,” said Sister Jean, who is in her seventh year of service as head of pastoral ministry and religious education at the College.

To show their appreciation, many of the guests brought bags of oranges and tangerines from their farms.

After lunch, Father Freddy invited all of the elderly to the front of the church for a special blessing. It was a fine day for all.

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