Saturday, October 01, 2011

More of the fiesta!

Lots of excitement the past few days -- sports, cultural events and fun! The first morning was a new event, cycling.

Long jump was a new event, too.

Soccer is the perennial fave.

There was a distance run, too, about 10 km.

Futbal de salón (small-court soccer) is a very common sport at the College.

Three sisters played futbal de salón, from different majors (agronomy and vet/animal science)... and they are still smiling!

The students demonstrate incredible abilities in poetry recitation, theater, singing, lip-syncing, and more. The judges come from nearby Coroico.

Everyone eats lunch together.

And there is lots of support for the players from each department.

It has been an incredible week so far!

1 comment:

eaward47 said...

What a good time I had last Fiesta!