Thursday, April 21, 2011

Two more graduates

Yesterday was a good day for the College: two graduates in one morning!

The first was Deysi Piloy. She read about the use of table sugar as a treatment for cuts, and thought it might be a good alternative for people in the countryside where medicine is not always available. She compared granulated sugar with iodine to treat cuts at a health post in a community outside of Caranavi, a day's travel from the capital La Paz. She found that it was as good as iodine, and in some cases better, for healing time and side effects (pain at initial application). Her successful defense made her our latest graduate in the nursing department!

Photo: Deysi shows off her certificate of completion of studies with Father Freddy and her mother.

The next to defend his graduation project was Juan Mamani, from a community across the mountain, Capellanía. He designed a coffee tourism project for his community, which will show tourists how coffee is produced and processed. His successful defense made him the latest graduate of our ecotourism program -- and the fourth in the history of the department!

Photo: Juan Mamani prepares to present his project.

Felicidades to them both!

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