Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter 2010

Here are some pictures from our Easter here in Carmen Pampa.

Here is Father Freddy blessing palms on Palm Sunday.

The students did the passion play -- and a student named Jesús played Jesus.

A crowd of people from the congregation -- kids, mostly -- stood and followed Jesus as he carried the cross around the church. They were laughing and whispering and taking pictures and carrying on, which I thought was a little rude. Then Fr. Freddy said during his homily that the real crucifixion was like that, too: a spectacle, with people crowding around and talking and the like. It gave the story a new meaning for me.

At the Thursday night mass, Fr. Israel washed the feet of some church members, in remembrance of the Last Supper.

Friday we did the Way of the Cross.

Last night was the Easter Vigil mass. It starts out outside at the fire.

(This picture is from Joel Vaughn. He and his wife, Lynn Myrick, are here contemplating the College as a possible home for the next 3 years as Franciscan Mission Service missioners.)

Happy Easter to all! You are in our prayers here in Carmen Pampa.

1 comment:

eaward47 said...

Prayers are with Joel and Lynn as they make their decision