Friday, September 04, 2009

The camera tells all

I downloaded the photos from my camera tonight, and realized what an incredibly busy -- and successful -- week it was.

It started with a birthday on Wednesday -- Father Freddy's to be exact. He turned 38 this week.

Photo: Father Freddy on his big day, flanked by Ecotourism Department Head José Luis Pinto and Sister Jean on the left, Vice Director Hugh Smeltekop and Education Department Head Andrés Pardo on the right.

Following the fiesta, agronomy student Verónica Huanca defended her research project about lichens on coffee bushes. She identified 122 species of lichens, with a project inspired by Dr. Arvid Boe, a collaborator from South Dakota State University.

Photo: New graduate Verónica Huanca signs her graduation document.

Thursday, Mariana Llanos defended her vet science project, discovering that 86% of dogs in Coroico have at least one parasite, and that some parasites, like giardia, are more common in the wet season. Her research helps the residents of Coroico know what parasites their canine companions suffer from so that they can treat them. This is important both for the health of their pet, and for the owners' own health: some of these parasites infect humans, too.

Photo:Mariana Llanos poses with a canine friend before her defense.

Today our three latest nursing graduates who were celebrated at the College's inaugural mass came back to campus today to sign their graduating documents.

Photo: Sister Jean talks about how these young nursing graduates help fulfill the mission of the College, making Sister Damon's vision a reality.

After the ceremony with the nurses, vet student Reyna Carrizales defended her research project about disinfection techniques at the municipal slaughterhouse in nearby Coroico. She discovered that disinfection with bleach or ammonia eliminated pathogenic bacteria like E. coli. The slaughterhouse, which was not disinfecting at all, now uses bleach, and, according to Reyna, consumer confidence and meat consumption in Coroico is up.

Photo: New graduate Reyna Carrizales.

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