Weekly flag raising and re-dedication
This rainy morning the students of the lower campus, whose square is outside my kitchen window, gathered together for the weekly flag-raising ceremony. Nursing, Veterinary Science and Tourism students lined up together with their professors and sang the national anthem of Bolivia as the flag was raised, then listened to a class president inspire more effort for this week´s celebrations.
Students here have a requirement to give back to the community. For many it takes the form of laboring to maintain the grounds and buildings. This week is busy as students are preparing for the anniversary festival of the UAC. Gardens are springing up, litter is disappearing, decorations are being hung, and the flute music for traditional dances resounds.
Smoothing out the court
Taking litter to the recycle station
Of course, last evening, students took adavantage of the repaired court. They have lots of energy, even after working all day!
This week each Carrera, Agriculture, Education, Nursing, Eco-Tourism and Veterinary Science, are practising their chosen dances and spending many hours on on the fields in preparation for game competitions. Even the teacher and administrators find time to dance together.
Love and respect for Bolivia: people, culture and land, are fostered every day here at the UAC, during this week´s festival those values will be highlighted. It is a real privilege to be here, even as an observer.