Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Liliana and Ferns

A student of mine, Liliana Condori, went to a workshop about ferns at the Herbario del Sur in Monteagudo, close to the Constitutional Capital of Bolivia, Sucre. It covered the usual: identification, ecology, biology. And she came back excited to research the ferns that grow on our mountain, Uchumachi. When I used to teach ecology at the College, I got really excited about ferns, too: they are so varied, and beautiful. Our forest is home to a few species of tree ferns, delicate ground ferns, bizarre climbing ferns, and more. I am excited about her project, and I am sure that she will make some interesting discoveries.

Photo: Liliana (in pink) sits with the workshop participants to examine their newly collected specimens.

1 comment:

Hugh'smom said...

I would love to hearmore abour Liliana and her fern research on Uchimachi