Thursday, December 18, 2008

End of year mass

At the end of every school year, Catholic University of Bolivia has a mass for the teachers of its rural schools. This year, our director Father Freddy and the Bishop of the Alto of La Paz celebrated the mass together.

Photo: Father Freddy and Bishop Jesús Suarez consecreate the Host.

Monsignor Suarez spoke in his homily about President Evo Morales' call to the Church to help the poor, and how Catholic University took him up on it, founding its first rural school twenty-two years ago, and with the college in its fifteenth year.

Sister Jean organized students from our pre-university program -- they were in charge of the music, playing traditional tunes with pan flutes and Andean recorders accompanied by charrango and guitar. They were excellent.

Photo: Pre-university students playing for mass.

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