Tuesday, January 25, 2011


January means a meeting with all of the faculty for the coming semester. Contracts are signed, dates and rules are clarified, and most important, the mission of the College is discussed: how do we effectively teach these young people to become excellent professionals and transform society?

Some of it is practical and concrete -- how to improve student grammar and spelling across the curricula, how to integrate the spirit of research into classes. And some is more difficult to put into words -- how to help students develop responsibility, how to get students thinking ethically.

It is a great way to start the semester, getting everyone in the same frame of mind. I always leave these meetings energized for the months to come.

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Faces

Here are some new faces, young people at a mass last night, ready for the entrance exam tomorrow. Father Freddy asked, "Why are you here? Why did you come?" One young woman answered, "I heard it was restful here." "The environment is restful, yes," he responded, "but you will not be resting. Educating yourself is a lot of work, and worth it. You are the answer to the problems that our country faces." Classes start on the first day of February, so these new faces will soon see for themselves.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year

Happy New Year, everyone!

One of the first tasks of every year is preparation for the College's entrance exam. Since last October, young people from all around have come by the College to sign up to study. This week, these young people have returned for the Semana de Inducción, a week of intensive preparation in math, chemistry and language for the entrance exam on Friday. We have 130 this year!

Photo: Future students review language skills with our instructor Rubén Darío.

The exam determines whether they will take pre-university classes, or go right into a university major. The pre-university program is very important: most rural schools are poorly staffed and ill-equiped, so many students do not have the skills the need to succeed at the college level. Usually about a third of the students do well enough to join a major right away.

The best part of this week is seeing all of the new faces, full of hope and excitement, the big step they are taking closer to their dreams.

Mucho éxito -- much success -- to all of you on your exams!