Volunteer mathematics consultant Mary Murphy from Smith College shares some thoughts about living at the college. Thank you for sharing, Mary!
While the rest of Bolivia is roiled with political unrest and the U.S. economy is going down the tubes, we at the Volunteer House are celebrating a domestic victory (also having to do with going down the tubes, but in the literal sense). For several weeks, our kitchen sink was malfunctioning, releasing dirty water onto the floor from we-didn't-know-where. Before long, the entire kitchen floor was caked with mud. The lake reached epic proportions and turned deep red on the night we had beets for dinner, and we decided to stop using the sink. This meant washing pots and dishes in the laundry area, nowhere near the kitchen, boasting a leaky roof and no light.
We couldn't keep this up forever, so yesterday I tracked down
Profesor Donato, retired high school chemistry teacher and current supervisor of maintenance at the lower campus, who volunteered to insert caustic soda into the drain, washing it down with a kettleful of boiling water. That did the trick! Mostly. We still had a leaky pipe under the sink, probably due to previous caustic soda treatments.
Don José Tintaya, the college fix-it man, dropped by to solve that problem. All repairs are very seat-of-the-pants (how the heck do you say that in Spanish?): he heated up pieces of PVC pipe on our propane burner, then jammed one into the other. When it didn't quite work, he used more heat and more force, finally declaring the job complete. (He forgot, however, to replace the faucet that spews water from its base. Then again, it has been doing so since at least 2005, so I guess there's no rush.) I made them a thank-you pot of coffee, and Don José, Donato and I sat down at the kitchen table to chat, Donato commenting as he lingered over his coffee that it was already 11:00 a.m. and he hadn't accomplished a thing that day. As far as we were concerned, I said, he certainly had.
That evening, as I left to go to the library, four people were competing for the chance to wash the dinner dishes!
This morning, I noticed that a small pond is re-forming at the base of the sink. Ah, well! You'd think it might be easy to locate the problem, but the sink was completely enclosed in a concrete-and-stone wall, into which they had to make a huge hole to get at the pipes. Seeing what was going on was another difficulty because the light in our dish-washing area is poor at best, and none of it makes it through that hole in the wall.
Not much academic work will happen this week, as the students are focused on
Intercarreras*, which began Thursday night [More about the games, and the college's 15 year anniversary, soon. -ed.]. Last week, I attempted in vain to teach during my Wednesday
noche de estudio, with dance music blasting from the basketball court right outside our window and practice for a vigorous traditional dance in full swing. Not only could I not get the students' attention (they preferred to look out the windows -- who could blame them?), but I couldn't hear myself speak, and many of the students weren't even present.
Wednesday night, though, I had another satisfying tutoring session with Fátima, a student in her final year of Eco-tourism, who hopes to also study architecture and needs to learn mathematics. With my help, she is working her way through an algebra review book, and I hope we'll have enough time to get to functions and a bit of calculus. Fátima gets it! This is one reason I enjoy working with her. First of all, she does most of the work on her own, making notes on what she wants to ask me about. Second, when I explain to her the principle behind a particular method, she wants to know. Nearly every other Bolivian student I've worked with learns rote procedures and strenuously resists
understanding. The general reaction to my attempts to explain what something means or why it works is met with blank stares and an immediate reversion to the tried-and-true approach of copying (often badly) from the blackboard or from a friend's homework paper. They appreciate my help, but they seem to think that my explanations must be some wacky foreign style of doing math (which I suppose they are). These kids are young, though -- less than one year removed from their rural schools -- so there's hope.
Intercarreras: A multi-day marathon of athletic and cultural competitions, running from 7 in the morning until 3 the following morning.